Axional ERP
Axional ERP
Over the Web, accessed in a cloud delivery model, enterprise solution suite
Axional ERP is a Java/J2EE 3-tier native application suite (built specifically to be used over the web) that is accessed via a cloud delivery model. Users have easy application access through a web browser anytime, anywhere. Furthermore, the model requires no costly hardware on the client end and less IT support than conventional systems.
Applications can be hosted “in-house/intranet” (in your own data center) or “in cloud/internet” (in a data center such as COLT, Amazon S3, IBM cloud, etc.).
- FI Finance
- HRM Human Resources Management
- CRM Customer Relationships Management
- SD Sales and Distribution
- WMS Warehouse Management System
- TMS Transportation Management System
- IEM Import and Export Management
- SCP Supply Change Planning
- SRM Supplier Relationship Management
Below you can see the relationship between Axional Business Processes and Modules:
- MIM Integrated Manufacturing Management
- CMMS Computerized Maintenance Management System
- MDM Master Data Management
- DWH Analytics and Datawarehouse
- OCR Optical Character Recognition
- RMS Retail Management System
- EDI Electronic Data Interchamge
- DOK Documentation
Business technology for your company
Designed to deal with the complexity of modern business organizations, it provides robust, out-of-the-box capabilities with industry-specific needs built in. This means a better fit for your company requirements, fewer customizations, and faster and more reliable implementation.
Its functionality gives unparalleled control over the complexities of global operations, and its business process-focused approach increases your company’s effectiveness (value for the customer) and cost efficiency (value for the company).