Axional Mobile Solutions
Axional Mobile Solutions
A true management platform which will improve enterprise mobility management of the task, people, vehicles and use of data.
Deister Axional Mobile Solutions build on the common Axional Mobile platform. This platform provides a framework, designed to help organizations develop ways for mobile users to communicate and interact with mainframe applications running on remote database servers.
- Axional Mobile OLAP - Powerful OLAP Android client to analyze your company’s data
- Axional Mobile MDM - Mobile Device Management to administer your Android devices
- Axional Mobile Point of Sale - Convert your Android smartphone into a mobile Point of Sale
- Axional Mobile Sales Force - Single point of interaction with your customer
- Axional Mobile CMMS - Computerized Maintenance Management System solution for your Android mobile devices
Axional Mobile Solutions are divided into:
- Axional Mobile PUD- Android based Pick-up & Delivery Management System
- Axional Mobile WMS - Warehouse Management System (WMS) in your Android mobile devices
- Axional Mobile Expenses - Expense management system to simplify business administration
- Axional Mobile Security Guard Patrol - Turns Android smartphones into a powerful security tool for guards and operators
Take your company with you wherever you go
Axional Mobile delivers the set of elements needed to develop advanced enterprise applications that run on Androidterminals, such as the three specific Axional Mobile solutions that provide portable and user-friendly access and, from a highly individualized perspective, empower users to:
- Excel in a complex and demanding retail sales environment.
- Improve and monitor customer relationships.
- Have an enhanced and streamlined maintenance system point of access.